Ultra Ambitions

Friday, February 23, 2007

Running, not posting.

I havent done much posting lately. I wrote one a couple of days ago, but blogger ate it.
I have kicked my nightly runs up to 5 mile this last week, but havent had much extra time, so the bike riding has kind of slipped away.

Im leaving next week tuesday to take the family to Disney World. The shoes are coming with me, so I should be able to get a few runs in, plus all the walking we will be doing will will keep me on track.

Im pretty sure Im going to run the Bayshore Marathon in traverse city, MI. I ran it a couple of years ago and it was an awesome view, it runs right along the water the whole way. Hopefully the weather breaks here pretty soon, I would like to start getting out for some runs on the roads, and the trails.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Long Run ... Sort of

I did my "long" run this weekend. I ran five miles on the treadmill while watching some tv. I felt pretty good and probably could have gone longer. I am going to continue on with the bike riding on my off running days. I think I may start a schedule of 2 days running then 1 bike, repeat.

Im think Im going to sign up for a spring marathon soon, It should help me keep my motivation up. I probably should do a trail marathon, but there is one up north that I have run before that is just beautiful, So I might do that.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Moving Along

Training has been going really great this last week. I have been eating great, pretty much no junk food or pop and I have lost 3 pounds. I have been running every other day 3-4 miles. I put the trainer down in the basement and have been riding the bike for a half hour on the days I dont run.

Im not sick yet thank god, but the rest of my family has a really nasty cold or flu bug. Im not sure if it does anything but I have been religiously pumping the vitamins.

I printed off the sign up for the North Country Trail run and have posted it at my desk at work so I have to look at it every day. Its a good motivator.