Ultra Ambitions

Monday, November 20, 2006

Running Hard, Hardly Blogging

I cant believe it has been 11 days since I blogged last. I always get pissed when the people dont update the blogs I read, yet I dont always update mine.

I sort of have an excuse. I usally blog at work, and work has been really crazy lately, there is alot going on.

My running has been going really well, I had been running 3 miles a night 4 times a week and 6 on the weekends. I just kicked it up to 5 on the weekdays and 10 on saturday. My legs seem to be handling the extra milage pretty well.

I really need to nail down my race schedule for next year and send my money in. I tend to stay a little more motivated when there is money on the table.

I still need to get my bike going in the basement, but there has just been too much on my plate lately.

Hopefully it wont be another 10 days before I blog again.


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