Ultra Ambitions

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Trying Hard

Im really trying hard to make sure I do my runs. I had alot going on last night and wasnt going to be able to do my scheduled run, so I brought my running duds into work and put in 3 miles on the treadmill.

One good thing (well there a many) about my job is that the building Im in use to be a health club. They converted it in our office building, but left a couple of raquetball courts, some weight and exersize equipment and the locker room.

The treadmill isnt to bad, and being able to take a shower afterwards is really nice.

Im going to try to get another three in tonight, but we need to pack for Washington D.C tonight, so Im going to going to be short on time.

Shortly I plan to list my race schedule for next year. Im pretty happy with my training so far. It should be fun.


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